Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation
District 13 Durham
    Events and Conferences
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District 13 OSSTF represents approximately 1450 permanent and 740 occasional teachers along with over 100 Professional Student Services Personnel in Durham region. Our union provides services to its members to protect them in their work and to enhance their professionalism through professional development workshops, health and safety training, collective agreement in-servicing and regular communications and public relations highlighting the teachers in our schools.

Land Acknowledgement

District 13 OSSTF is committed to providing space to honour Indigenous folks who were here on this beautiful land long before settler arrival.  We acknowledge that many Indigenous Nations have longstanding relationships, both historic and modern with the territories upon which our members work and our union operates.  We recognize the enduring presence of all First Nations, Metis and Inuit peoples throughout Turtle Island.


This region forms part of the traditional and treaty territory of the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nations, the Mississauga Peoples, and the treaty territory of the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nations.  We would also like to acknowledge that prior to these treaties, the land was stewarded by various communities including the Haudenosaunee and Wendat confederacies.


Our land acknowledgement does not function as closure, resignation, or acceptance of the structural conditions of settler colonialism that remain in effect today.  We recognize the impact of colonialism and our responsibilities to redress the ways this has helped shape the education system and our organization.  We also recognize the sovereignty of all Indigenous Nations as outlined in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and we are committed to honouring the Truth and Reconciliation recommendations.


To honour the Indigenous Peoples of this territory, we will take up our responsibility to be respectful of their traditions, knowledge and to care for this land and its waters for future generations.  We would like to thank all Indigenous Peoples for sharing this land so we may come together in a good way.

September 30th PD Opportunity: Indigenous Staff in Collective


The DDSB Indigenous Education Department in partnership with D13 OSSTF, ETFO Durham, Durham DECE and CUPE 218 are pleased to invite all self-identified Indigenous staff (members of each union) to come together in collective to support each other on Orange Shirt Day.

The event will be held on September 30, 2024, at Durham Forest, from 9:00AM to 3:00PM with honoured guests, Tammy Nelson (Knowledge Holder) and Kayl Commanda (Fire Keeper). Light breakfast and catered Indigenous lunch will be provided.

To register, use the QR code provided in the attachment below, or click the following google form link: https://forms.gle/QZhfS8NANe54bJPy7

For more information, contact Garrett at the District 13 OSSTF office, 905 668 7100, or garrett.metcalfe@d13.osstf.ca.

Joint D13/DDSB PD Day:

Please note that the 'Call for Proposals' for our November 15, 2024 PD Day are now open!

The proposal form can be completed using the following google form:

PD Proposal Form

If you plan to have a guest speaker, the following google form must be completed:

PD Guest Speaker Form

Our OSSTF/DDSB joint PD Day will be held on November 15, 2024. The theme for this year is "Weaving Wellness through Curriculum" with a combined focus on curriculum and wellness. We encourage you to be a presenter. Presenters design workshops dedicated to the theme, however, all curriculum related workshops can be submitted for consideration.

We encourage everyone to think about the future of education and our role in leading the way in best supporting our students and colleagues. If you would like to present a professional development session, please complete the proposal form.  All proposals will be reviewed jointly by the District 13 Professional Development Committee and DDSB. Sessions must have curricular connections, support student learning, and reflect sound anti-oppression and equity pedagogy.




2024/2025 District 13 OSSTF Executive and Delegates for AMPA 2025 

The members of our District 13 executive for the 2024/2025 school year are as follows:

District and TBU President - Shane Stagg
Occasional Teachers Bargaining Unit President - Julia McCrea
Professional Student Services Personnel President - Kristen Bennett
1st Vice President - Chris Davis
2nd Vice President - George Chaktsiris
3rd Vice President - Roger Gordon
4th Vice President - Rob Walker
Treasurer - Garrett Metcalfe
Secretary - Shawna Raymond
Additional TBU Provincial Councillor - Richard McCormack
Collective Bargaining Committee Chair - Richard McCormack
Constitution Committee Chair - Shane Stagg
Communications Committee Chair - George Chaktsiris
Education and Political Action Committee Co-Chairs - Shane Stagg and Marcia McCrae
Health and Safety Committee Chair - Kathie Harris
Human Rights Committee Chair - Esther McCalla
Professional Development Committee Chair - Senthuran Paramasamy
Public Relations Committee Chair - Jacqueline Westcott

As well, the following members are delegates for AMPA 2025

TBU Delegates:
Tom Dias, George Chaktsiris, Chris Davis, Roger Gordon, Jason Himsl, Richard McCormack, Orit Orlovsky, Garrett Metcalfe, Shane Stagg, Matt Thomas, Kokhulani Yasodaran, Trevor Brewer, and Ryan Gallagher.

OTBU Delegates:

PSSP Delegate:
Kristen Bennett


Active Retired Members

Retired members can continue their OSSTF involvement
though membership with Active Retired Members.
Please click on the image to visit the website. 

District 13 OSSTF Women's Advocate Program