Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation
District 13 Durham


With the ratification of the Central deal, QECO became the entity which verifies certification.  If you are already at Cat 4, then there is nothing you need to do as your information was transferred to QECO.  If you are not at Cat 4 or you have extra degrees you would like considered, go to https://applications.qeco.on.ca to start the process.  Once your application with QECO has been processed, they will issue you a new rating statement.  Once you have that, don’t forget to email a copy of your new statement of evaluation to employee.records@ddsb.ca and quote your home school or else you will never see any potential increases.  See further details below.

Certification under QECO


Who Does What?

  • Universities issue credits and degrees
  • The Ontario College of Teachers issues your Certificate of Qualifications
  • QECO determines your Category Rating
  • Your collective agreement with your employer determines your actual pay


How it works:

  • Teachers are Category-rated based on their academic backgrounds and trade records
  • Until the Board receives your Category Rating, you will be paid at Category 1 rate of pay
  • It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to inform the Board of your appropriate Category


So if you don’t have a Category Rating … GET ONE !!!

  • Request an evaluation by QECO at https://applications.qeco.on.ca .


    Want to make sure you aren’t missing out on any salary right now?

  • Request a re-evaluation by QECO at https://applications.qeco.on.ca .
  • It is recommended that you request a reevaluation once a year in case any of the regulations have changed which would allow you to advance. This is especially important for teachers with international credentials.
  • If you complete new credentials, you will also request a reevaluation.


Steps for Category Upgrading with DDSB

  • Request your Statement of Evaluation
  • While awaiting your response, email a Pending Letter to employee.records@ddsb.ca and quote your home school. In the email indicate that you have requested an upgrade in your Category
  • When you receive your new Statement of Evaluation, forward a copy along with the covering letter that you download from your QECO account to employee.records@ddsb.ca and quote your home school.

Thinking about upgrading?

  • Once you apply to QECO, upgrading advice will accompany a completed evaluation.
  • This ensures that the course will get you where you want to go


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