The retirement packages attached below provide information that will be useful to you as you plan your upcoming retirement. There are separate packages for Teachers and for PSSP.
Included are instructions on submitting your retirement to the Board which should be done with four weeks’ notice.
You should contact the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan or OMERS four months before you intend to retire for information and to start the paperwork process.
District 13 OSSTF honours its Permanent Teacher retirees at the District Annual Meeting in May and the Occasional Teacher and PSSP units at their individual AGMs. Your Branch President or Bargaining Unit President will have a free ticket for you, and we look forward to seeing you there.
Best wishes as you begin this new phase in your life!
Stop Paying your LTD Premiums (Permanent Teachers)
As you near retirement, you may qualify to stop paying your LTD premiums if you meet one of three criteria:
• you are age 65
• you have a pension greater than 60% and you have reached your 85 factor
• you are within 110 working days of your announced retirement date
o If you intend to retire January 2024, this threshold has already past and you can request to stop paying your premiums at any time.
o If you intend to retire June 28 2024, this threshold is January 9, 2024 and you can request to stop paying your premiums effective at that time.
If you think any of these criteria apply to you, contact the District Office for information on how to proceed.