Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation
District 13 Durham



To keep members informed of OSSTF events/updates.

To help write and put together Inprint 13, a bi-monthly newsletter for District 13 members.


Approximately six times a year, usually a third Wednesday of the month at 4:30 p.m. at the District 13 Office.

2024-2025 Meeting Dates: Oct. 16, Nov. 20, Jan. 22, Feb. 19, Apr. 9, Jun. 4 

Duties of School Representative

Attend meetings on a regular basis.

Collect information from your Branch to share with other members of District 13.

Write or Contribute to the Inprint 13 publication.

Committee Members

Jennifer Hendry
Ajax HS
Jennifer Piersma
Anderson CVI
Christina Demaray Branch 18
Karen Clark Brock HS
Christina Kalianteris
Brooklin HS
Tom Dias Con Ed
Richard Hamel
Jennifer Young
Dunbarton HS
Sean Bilmer Eastdale CVI
Lynn Gittens
Grove School

Heather Tyrell / Laura Solimano

Henry Street

Ryan Gordon
Stephanie McMahon
Matthew Thomas

Kathie Harris

Pine Ridge

Katie Dwyer
Port Perry HS
Alicia Fennell
Linda Burkholder
GL Roberts
Julie Gladman
Sinclair SS

Rob Walker


Jennifer Thatcher Virtual School
Michael Hook
Donald A. Wilson SS

George Chaktsiris


Garrett Metcalfe/ Exec Liaison

District 13 TBU Office

Kristen Bennett PSSP
Ruth Leone District 13 TBU Office