Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation
District 13 Durham


Ratification of Tentative Local Collective Agreement between the DDSB and District 13 OSSTF PSSP

Ballots have been tallied and are in favour of ratification of the Tentative Local Collective Agreement that was presented on Monday, October 19, 2020. Our tentative Collective Agreement will be presented to the DDSB Trustees on Monday, November 2, 2020 for ratification. The results of the vote will be communicated by email as soon as they are received.

Constitution and Collective Agreement

A constitution has been adopted for the PSSP bargaining unit.  It can be found by clicking here.

Our Collective Agreement can be found by clicking here.

PSSP Executive

Current members of the bargaining unit executive team as follows:

President: Kristen Bennett
Vice-President: Amanda Frumkin
Lead Negotiator-Grievance Officer: Elizabeth MacDonald
Secretary-Treasurer: Megan Bergin
Health & Safety Officer/SLP Rep: Jenifer Mascoll
Educational Services Officer: Jennifer Morris
Executive Officer/Interpreter Rep: Stephanie Pritchard
PSSP Job Classification Representatives - CBC

Intervenor: Jacqueline Westcott
Interpreter: Stephanie Pritchard
Child and Youth Worker/Social Worker: Emily Lam 
Psychological Services Representative: Mary McArthur 
Speech and Language Pathologist: Jennifer Mascoll

Benevolent Council

Benevolent Council exists for the purpose of providing assistance to active members who find themselves in extreme financial need due to: (a) prolonged illness; (b) accident; or (c) extreme emergency.

More details can be found on the Benevolent Council page under the useful information menu on the District 13 OSSTF website. 



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