Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation
District 13 Durham

Equity Anti-Racism Anti-Oppression


  • To advise the District Executive on how to develop and enhance policies and actions to implement and support equity, anti-racism and anti-oppression practices for all members within their federation and their workplace
  • To work alongside and in partnership with the Durham District School Board’s Equity Team, (when possible), to create safe spaces, and propel learning around Equity, Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression.
  • To provide a forum to inform, discuss and advise issues relevant to Equity seeking and/or members of the First Nations, Inuit and/or Metis community with respect to these issues.
  • To advise on how to increase representation of Equity seeking and members of the First Nations, Inuit and/or Metis community at various levels within the federation.
  • To engage in continuous vigilance in addressing disproportionality and disparity in member engagement, participation, and representation and work alongside the Human Rights Committee, Public Relation Committee, Professional Development Committee, Collective Bargaining Committee, Constitution Community and all advisory committees to build federation knowledge, and union-specific skills to increase representation and participation.
  • To provide advice, assistance, training support and resources to all levels of the District regarding the work of the committee.
  • To develop a deeper understanding on ways to promote and educate members on how to engage, mobilize and build networks with members and community
  • To advise District Executive on liaison opportunities with community partners who provide advocacy for Equity seeking and members of the First Nations, Inuit and/or Metis community
  • To work to support the District in providing professional development and training opportunities for our members around Equity, Anti-racism and Anti-Oppression.



One per month, at the District Office at 4:30 p.m.   Check the website for more information.

2024-2025 meeting dates:   Oct. 21, Nov. 18,  Jan. 20, Feb. 10,  Apr. 14, May 12, Jun. 3