Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation
District 13 Durham

Human Rights


  • To utilize an ally capacity model to support all under-served and under-represented members in our schools and within our federation.
  • To provide a forum for the discussion of issues pertaining to the provision and maintenance of a working environment free from harassment.
  • To help prevent harassment by working towards the elimination of discrimination.
  • To educate the school community and raise awareness of the types of incidents of behaviour which may be offensive, embarrassing, humiliating and/or patronizing and which deny individuals dignity and respect.
  • To create safer schools by working to eliminate poisoned environments associated with discrimination by dispelling the stereotypes, myths, and negative ideas that are part of these poisoned environments.
  • To increase awareness of human rights issues amongst our members.



One per month, usually the first Tuesday of each month at the District Office at 4:15 p.m.   Check the website for more information.

2024-2025 meeting dates:   Oct. 1, Nov. 12, Dec. 3, Jan. 14, Feb. 11, Mar. 4, Apr. 8, May 13, Jun. 3

Duties of the School Representatives

  • Attend monthly District 13 Human Rights Committee meetings.
  • Work with the committee to prioritize, initiate and implement events at both the school and district levels.
  • Work with the committee to prioritize, develop and implement professional development around anti-oppression and social justice pedagogy for our members.

Committee Members



Jennifer Hendry Ajax

Jennifer Piersma


Christina Demaray Branch 18
Karen Clark Brock
Christina Kalianteris Brooklin

Con Ed

Garrett Metcalfe

District 13 TBU Liaison

Mary Beamer DASS

Jennifer Young


Tracey Reynolds Eastdale

Esther McCalla


Meghane Webster     

Henry Street

George Chaktsiris

Maxwell Heights

Ryan Gordon


Christine Senior


Chris Davis

Kathie Harris

Pine Ridge

Katie Dwyer / Collen Rasmussen
Port Perry

Alicia Fennell


Rachel Birney Roberts

Julie Gladman


Jeff Grujicich


Driss El Machkour Virtual School

Michael Hook


Kristin Bennett PSSP

Ruth Leone

District TBU Office